A Data 7th Wave Approaching

I believe Data, or more precisely changes in how we create, consume, and interact with data, has the potential to deliver a seventh wave impact. With the advent of many data associated advances, variously labelled Big Data, Social Networking, Open Data, Cloud Services, Linked Data, Microformats, Microdata, Semantic Web, Enterprise Data, it is now venturing beyond those closed systems into the wider world. It is precisely because these trends have been around for a while, and are starting to mature and influence each other, that they are building to form something really significant.

Step Back from the XML – RDF Modelling

I have watched many flounder when they first try to get their head around describing the things they already know in this new Linked Data format, RDF. Just like moving house, we initially grasp for the familiar and that might not always be helpful. This is is where stepping back from the XML is a good idea. XML is only one encoding/transmission format for RDF

WikiData – Announcing Wikipedia’s Next Big Thing

One of the more eagerly awaited presentations at the Semantic Tech & Business Conference in Berlin today was a late addition to the program from Denny Vrandecic.  With the prominence of Dbpedia in the Linked Open Data Cloud, anything new from Wikipedia with data in it was bound to attract attention, and we were not disappointed. Denny started by telling us that from March he would be moving to Berlin to work for the Wikimedia Foundation on WikiData. He then went on to explain that the rich Wikipedia resource may have much of the world’s information but does not have

A Kasabi Day at Semtech Berlin

I spent yesterday at the first day of excellent Semantic Tech and Business Conference 2012 in Berlin.  It was a good day covering a wide range of topics, a great range of speakers and talks, and most encouragingly some really good conversations in the breaks.  I had the pleasure of presenting the opening session The Simple Power of the Link which seemed to provide a good grounding introduction to what to some is a fairly complex topic.  My slides are available on Slideshare, and I provided a background article on semanticweb.com, if you want to check them out. In my

BBC Sport Site Built on a Solid Linked Data Foundation

The BBC team have been evolving their approach to delivering agile, effective, websites in an efficient way by building on Linked Data foundations, sector by sector – wildlife, news, music, World Cup 2010, and now in readiness for London 2012 – the whole sport experience. Since the launch a few days ago, the main comment seems to be that it is ‘very yellow’, which it is. Not much reference to the innovative approach under the hood – as it should be. If you can see the technology, you have got it wrong.

Ookaboo Release 1,000,000 Free Images For 500,000 Topics + RDF Too

Ookaboo “free pictures of everything on earth” have released nearly a million public domain and Creative Commons licensed stock images mapped with precision to concepts, instead of just words.

But there is more… They have released an RDF dump of the metadata behind the images, concept mappings and links to concepts in Freebase and Dbpedia

Cloud Computing Back In The Future

Checking out Cloud Expo Europe. Much, in Linked Data circles, is implied about the mutual benefit of adopting the Cloud and Linked Open Data.
I was interested to see if the cloud vendors were as data [and the value within it] aware as the Linked Data vendors are cloud aware.

Will This Flood of Open Data Wash Past Us?

 @ePISplatform features fairly prominently in the stream of tweets that waft across my desktop every day – it comes from the European Public Sector Information (PSI) Platform (Europe’s One-stop Shop on PSI re-use) Working to stimulate and promote PSI re-use and open data initiatives. In amongst the useful pointers to news, comment, and documents, I have been recently conscious of an increasing flow of tweets like these: This is good news.  More and more city, local, national governments and public bodies releasing data as open data.  Of course the reference to open here is in relation to the licensing of